Cherokee Cowboy
Randy Taylor
Decades of Entertainment
Since 1985
Randy’s journey into the sports entertainment business has been life long, both challenging and rewarding. After his first broadcasting class he knew he wanted to be an announcer. For years after each bareback horse he would gather his equipment, ice his elbow, and listen to every word of every announcer all over the United States, Canada and even Australia. Now, he is blessed to announce over 100 performances a year, which he has been doing for over two decades.
He has produced events in large venues including Professional Rodeo, Bull Riding and Motorsports. Randy’s involvement in production includes everything from sales and marketing to the performances. His perspective on a successful event has depth.
On the home side, his beautiful wife Carmen and he reside in South Dakota with their boys Zachary and Branson, and daughter, Raelynn. They love the country and the Black Hills. The boys are very active in school and sports activities.
Randy likes to laugh, and loves live entertainment, sports, and the drama that unfolds during each performance. He believes in capitalism. The sports entertainment world is the epitome of the American way. If they do a good job with sponsors, clowns, and contestants, they advance. They succeed and obtain a return customer and increase ticket sales. When a man or a woman steps into the ring Randy understands what it took to get them there – the production, practice, miles and “the horsepower.” Every time the gate cracks or the flag drops, it’s game on, entertaining him making it easy for Randy to entertain you.
In addition, Randy is the host for “Word With A Champ” radio show which launched on July 4, 2011 on national radio network Native Voice One.

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